Editorial media & how to identify it
Editorial media is media with a different copyright license than most of the content in our stock library. While the majority of content in the library is commercial, there is a smaller library of editorial media available for you to use as well. Editorial content can't be used in a video that promotes a product or service, as that would require a commercial license instead.
To view and search editorial media you can use the filters in the media library:

When you are viewing content in the media library, you'll see media identified as editorial when you hover over it:

We also add a tag next to scenes that contain editorial content on the canvas:

And finally, we will let you know if your video contains any editorial media in the Preview modal at the top:

Learn more about editorial vs. commercial media here.
To view and search editorial media you can use the filters in the media library:

When you are viewing content in the media library, you'll see media identified as editorial when you hover over it:

We also add a tag next to scenes that contain editorial content on the canvas:

And finally, we will let you know if your video contains any editorial media in the Preview modal at the top:

Learn more about editorial vs. commercial media here.
Updated on: 23/07/2024
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