All about Shutterstock, media libraries, & credits
Note: Marketplace media from Shutterstock is available on our Professional plan and above. If you wish to be able to access marketplace content, you can upgrade your account on our pricing page.
We have partnered with one of the world's best stock media providers: Shutterstock. We provide this media to use in Lumen5 at a fraction of the cost of purchasing it directly. Users on the free Community plan have access to the unlimited free library, Starter users enjoy access to the unlimited free library and the premium unlimited library, while users on the Professional plan have access to both of those libraries, plus the media marketplace. The marketplace operates on a credit system, and users on the Professional plan are allotted 25 credits/month to use on media in this library.
How can I identify which library media belongs to?
Our Standard media library will show "free" when you hover over the it:

If you're using Lumen5 on our Community plan, premium media files are marked by a diamond, and have the "Premium" wording, as using that content requires a paid plan:

If you have a paid plan with access to premium media, premium media files are still marked by a diamond, but will say "Free" instead:

Marketplace content requires credits to use in your videos, and is only available on the Professional plan. This content is marked by a ribbon icon:

Media that uses your monthly credits can be found in the media library, marked with a ribbon icon. Customers on the Professional plan get credits they can use towards 200 million images and videos to use in their Lumen5 projects.
To identify the scenes in your video with marketplace assets on them, click "Preview" in the top right corner of the editor. Once the preview modal pops up, look to the bottom to see which scenes in your video have marketplace media:

That way you'll know how many credits will be spent when you publish your video, and you'll know which scenes need to have their media replaced if you're on a plan that doesn't provide access to the marketplace.
How do I get credits to use in the marketplace?
You can get marketplace credits by signing up for the Professional plan. Visit the pricing page for more information. When you're on a Professional plan, you receive 25 credits per month.
What can I do if I run out of marketplace credits?
Credits are built into the price of the Professional and Enterprise plan. It's not possible to purchase credits for another plan or purchase additional credits to top up if you run out.
When do my credits reset?
Your credits reset at the beginning of each billing period. So if we bill you on the 1st of the month, your credits will reset then. If you're billed annually, all your credits for the year refresh once your renewal payment is complete.
Do my marketplace credits rollover?
Credits don't rollover, so make sure to use them up and make tons of great videos! You can visit your Analytics tab to see how many credits you have left this billing period.
What is editorial media?
Some marketplace media is licensed only for editorial use. More about that here.
Can I use the same marketplace media in more than one video?
Absolutely! Once you make a video with marketplace media, you can duplicate it to make as many additional versions as you would like. You won't need to use additional media credits to use the same media again.
Can I use marketplace media on any other plan?
You need to upgrade to the Professional plan for marketplace media access, as well as additional features and functionality. Visit the pricing page for more information.
About the Media Library
We have partnered with one of the world's best stock media providers: Shutterstock. We provide this media to use in Lumen5 at a fraction of the cost of purchasing it directly. Users on the free Community plan have access to the unlimited free library, Starter users enjoy access to the unlimited free library and the premium unlimited library, while users on the Professional plan have access to both of those libraries, plus the media marketplace. The marketplace operates on a credit system, and users on the Professional plan are allotted 25 credits/month to use on media in this library.
How can I identify which library media belongs to?
Our Standard media library will show "free" when you hover over the it:

If you're using Lumen5 on our Community plan, premium media files are marked by a diamond, and have the "Premium" wording, as using that content requires a paid plan:

If you have a paid plan with access to premium media, premium media files are still marked by a diamond, but will say "Free" instead:

Marketplace content requires credits to use in your videos, and is only available on the Professional plan. This content is marked by a ribbon icon:

Marketplace tab & Icons
Media that uses your monthly credits can be found in the media library, marked with a ribbon icon. Customers on the Professional plan get credits they can use towards 200 million images and videos to use in their Lumen5 projects.
To identify the scenes in your video with marketplace assets on them, click "Preview" in the top right corner of the editor. Once the preview modal pops up, look to the bottom to see which scenes in your video have marketplace media:

That way you'll know how many credits will be spent when you publish your video, and you'll know which scenes need to have their media replaced if you're on a plan that doesn't provide access to the marketplace.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get credits to use in the marketplace?
You can get marketplace credits by signing up for the Professional plan. Visit the pricing page for more information. When you're on a Professional plan, you receive 25 credits per month.
What can I do if I run out of marketplace credits?
Credits are built into the price of the Professional and Enterprise plan. It's not possible to purchase credits for another plan or purchase additional credits to top up if you run out.
When do my credits reset?
Your credits reset at the beginning of each billing period. So if we bill you on the 1st of the month, your credits will reset then. If you're billed annually, all your credits for the year refresh once your renewal payment is complete.
Do my marketplace credits rollover?
Credits don't rollover, so make sure to use them up and make tons of great videos! You can visit your Analytics tab to see how many credits you have left this billing period.
What is editorial media?
Some marketplace media is licensed only for editorial use. More about that here.
Can I use the same marketplace media in more than one video?
Absolutely! Once you make a video with marketplace media, you can duplicate it to make as many additional versions as you would like. You won't need to use additional media credits to use the same media again.
Can I use marketplace media on any other plan?
You need to upgrade to the Professional plan for marketplace media access, as well as additional features and functionality. Visit the pricing page for more information.
Updated on: 07/06/2022
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