Articles on: Music, Voiceovers, and Audio Controls

Editing your AI voiceover in the video creator

Changing what the voice says

AI voiceover videos use a transcript of the voiceover as the timeline for the video with scenes called overlays placed on top. You can click here for more about editing overlays and using the transcript to navigate your video.

If you need to change the voiceover once your video has been created, click on the overlay in the transcript that you'd like to edit, then click again so the Edit button appears:

Click on Edit, and then type away! Once you're happy with the corrections that you've made, click outside of the transcript or press enter. Our bots will regenerate that piece of the voiceover for you, without touching the rest of your scenes.

Regenerating large portions of your AI voiceover can lead to timing challenges later on, so try to edit smaller sections whenever possible!

Regenerating sections of the voiceover

To regenerate part of your voiceover, click on the overlay in the transcript that you'd like to edit. To regenerate the voiceover, click on the overlay in the transcript that you'd like to edit, then click again so the Edit button appears, then click on the 3 dots beside the word Edit:

You'll see a button to click to regenerate this section of the voiceover! You can use this to correct tone, timing, or pronunciation, without changing the actual words the AI voiceover speaks.

Swapping the selected voice

Decide that you're not feeling the voice that you've selected? Click on the Voiceover dropdown menu at the top of the transcript, then click on Swap AI Voice:

That will open up the voice selection modal where you can preview and select a different voice:

Once you've found one you like, be sure it's highlighted and then click Apply. Our bots will regenerate your voiceover using the new voice, without disrupting any other edits you've made to the video.

Updated on: 13/04/2024

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