How to create a Voiceover video
To create an AI voiceover video, first select your template and format and then choose the Voiceover option. Uploading or recording a voiceover You can upload a voiceover that's already been recorded, or record a new voiceover: ( to create an AI Voiceover video
To create an AI voiceover video, first select your template and format and then choose the AI Voiceover option. Step 1: Add content You can import text from a news article or blog post, copy and paste it directly into the editable window, upload a PDF, or outline an idea! (https://storage.crisp.chatSome readersAdjusting music & voice volume
Background music volume To adjust the volume of your background music, go to the Music tab and look for the volume control at the top, above your selected music track. You can use the slider or type a number into the box to set the volume. This setting will be applied to all of your scenes that don't have another source of audio: If you have a scene with another source of audio like a voiceoFew readersUploading your own music
Lumen5's media library offers thousands of commercially licensed music files for you to choose from. However, you can also upload your own audio files as well. You'll find this option under the Music tab in the Uploads section. Note: Be careful not to upload copyrighted music! It could get flagged when you share your video on social media. Music uploads must meet the following requirements:Few readersSelecting background music
Lumen5 offers a music library with thousands of commercially licensed track. You'll be able to search, listen, and select your music under the Music tab. Click on any of the play buttons to preview the track, then click on the title of the song to select it. The selected track will be displayed near the top and marked by a green check mark. To remove a track, simply click on the x button in the top right corner.Few readersLegacy voiceover recording
For more about uploading or recording a voiceover and building a video, click here. For a how-to on creating an AI voiceover video, click here. How is the current version different from the legacy version? This current version of voiceover allows yFew readersEditing your AI voiceover in the video creator
Changing what the voice says AI voiceover videos use a transcript of the voiceover as the timeline for the video with scenes called overlays placed on top. You can click here for more about editing overlays and using the transcript to navigate your video. If you need to change the voiceover once your video has been created, click into the transcript, then click on the Edit button: (https://storage.crisp.chFew readersFixing pronunciation of words in an AI voiceover
Fixing pronunciation Click on the word you'd like to change, and then click on the 3 dots next to the word Edit. Click on Fix pronunciation: ( readersSetting start time for background music
Trim your music to start right where you want it to.Few readersUsing the mood filter to find music
Lumen5's media library offers thousands of commercially licensed audio tracks. Under the Music tab and on the right of the search field, you'll find a dropdown filter which you can use to filter and sort the available tracks by mood and genre.Few readersHow to favorite music tracks
Once you find a great music track, you can save it so you can reuse it again and again in as many videos as you like! Simply click the star icon next to the track name and it will appear in your starred tracks. You can star music from the Lumen5 music library as you search, or go back and favorite media you've used in another video by checking out the Recent tab. If you're on a tFew readers